Mindful May

With the summer months ahead, I feel my mind getting way ahead of myself. I’m already planning for July through October, what our offseason travel will look like, and definitely not thinking about what’s for dinner. It’s only May! So this month, I’m practicing mindfulness. Now what does this actually mean: “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.” I’m going to share the ways I’m doing this so you can join me in this practice for a more mindful May.

Tools for a more Mindful May…

  1. Meditate: I try to meditate everyday for 5-10 minutes. What’s so great about the Calm app is they guide you through meditations to center your mind on the present moment. I have noticed a huge difference in my wellbeing with this practice. I promise it’s not scary and doable for everyone! Click this link with my code and download now!

  2. Digital Detox Bath: We all need a good detox. While meditation is good for the mind and soul, our bodies need that same detox to refresh and reset our bodies for the present moment. These bath salts rid the body of environmental toxins, stress, and exertion. Fill up the tub and add these salts!

  3. Inspired Magic: Michelle Hillier, friend and author of Inspired Magic, helps you unlock the tools you need to reach your aspired goals, whatever they be. It’s an incredible read that provides focus and action for those stars you’ve always been reaching for. Reach out to Michelle for any help. She’s truly the best!

  4. The 5 Minute Journal: Off and on for past four years, I wake up every morning and turn to my journal. With prompted questions, I find myself focused on the good in my life. I find myself filled with more gratitude and less negativity. This 5 Minute Journal is quick, easy, and extremely effective.

  5. Nature: A great place I go to relax and detach myself from my crazy life is nature. When I’m in nature, I find myself focusing on nothing but the present moment, the birds chirping, wind blowing, rustling leaves, and the clean air smell. Taking a few hours for a hike or a forest bath is a great way to be more mindful.