What To Do When You're Feeling Anxious AF


So you’re feeling Anxious…

yeah, me too! I’m not even going to lie, 2020 has really put things into perspective. There have been some major changes and adjustments this year and it didn’t just happen gradually, like sh*t escalated quickly. We’re all dealing with something this year and it’s up to us on how we handle what 2020 keeps dishing out.

For me, identifying that I’m stressed already makes me feel less stressed. Then I identify whether the stress is in my body or in my head. Sometimes it’s both! For instance, if it’s in my body I know doing something physical to let it out will make me feel better. Whether it’s hitting a pillow, screaming into it, or going for a run (ahem walk, let’s be real) it’s just a great physical release. If my mind is racing, I know I need to journal. I basically just emotionally vomit onto paper. When I’m feeling a bit extra about it, I’ll burn the pages (carefully and in the sink, of course). There’s something very cathartic about everything you wrote about going up in smoke. Once I’ve done that, I make sure to up my zen game. Here are few things I do that help lower my stress levels and don’t worry, it doesn’t involve meditation.

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Finding things in your life to be thankful for can really put things into perspective. It also can make you feel really good appreciating what you already have. Being grateful really conjures up all those good vibes we all love having and that can really make you feel good.

Be In The Moment

Breathe and get present. When we’re all in our feelings and thoughts we forget to breathe. Sometimes all you need is a good deep belly breath. It can help you feel more aware and grounded in what is. Breath work can help you separate from your wild thoughts versus being your thoughts. Basically tuning into your breath gets you off the roller coaster and back into your body. Connecting with your body and the physical space around it gets you to be present and grounded. A lot of good stuff comes when you’re in that place.

Drink Water

73% of your brain and heart are made up of water. So staying hydrated elevates your mood, improves concentration, and overall cognitive performance. It also helps your brain in producing all the good feeling hormones that we need. Drinking water is an easy win!

Eat A Good Meal

Treat yourself to a good meal. Good food is good for the brain and the body when your body is under stress. Make sure you’re nourishing it properly. It’s also just really nice and comforting to enjoy a good meal.

Photo by 3DSculptor/iStock / Getty Images

Get Creative

Paint, draw, build, create, make, etc. Do something that gets your brain thinking differently. Being creative is the easiest way to find your “flow”.


I love to sit on the couch and watch a stand up or funny show. The moment I start laughing everything else seems to fade away. The way to enlightenment is to lighten up and laughing always does that for me.


You hate to hear it, but it’s true. Exercise produces endorphins and endorphins make you feel good and relaxed. All you need is 30 minutes of movement to change the way your body and mind feel.


It’s been scientifically proven that seeing and being in nature lowers your stress levels. Making sure you get at least 15 minutes of nature every day can really take the edge off.


Sleep shouldn’t be a luxury. This needs to be a priority. It’s the number one performance enhancer. So get your sleep so your body and mind can feel like it has a fighting chance.

I know this is a lot of things to incorporate into your life all at once. So don’t. Try to incorporate one or two of these things and build from there. These are just tools that help with how you respond to the stress and anxiety in your life and whether or not these tools help, there is absolutely no shame in seeking professional help. Talking to a professional can be extremely beneficial and life changing. Make sure to do your research and find someone you trust and connect with. You are worth it!

What are you doing to stay zen in 2020?