The June Oven- Is It Worth It?
Let’s get baked…
I remember when good friend and chef, Ryan Scott, walked into my house and handed me a June Oven. I didn’t know what to make of it. Now, a few years later I’ve been able to fully appreciate everything this oven has to offer. First of all, it’s not just an oven. It’s an air-fryer, toaster, dehydrator, roaster, oven, broiler, slow cooker, food warmer, and really the list goes on. 12 appliances in this box of goodness. Umm…hello counter space?! Nice to see you again my old friend. With all the apartment living I do, this is like a plus, plus, plus, win! I don’t even know what to do with all this space now?! Not to mention, it’s not an eyesore. It’s surprisingly very chic and modern.
This is not even the best part…I’ll get there. I just want to tell you about the pre-heat speed first (I know, I can’t believe that’s not the best part either). For this specific review, I made sugar baked prosciutto to go on top of my salad (recipe below) and I timed my normal ‘can only do like two things’ oven against the ‘12 in 1 intelligent’ June Oven. I set the ovens to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and it took the normal oven 22 minutes and it took the June Oven about 7 minutes. That’s insane! The June Oven was already winning me over.
True Story, some nights I’ll eat cereal because my oven takes too long to pre-heat, and by the time it heats, then I cook, I’m too tired and over it. So for this oven to heat up that quickly to that high of a heat is like a godsend for me. Now, I can start using an oven for lunches and dinners!
Now, for the best part! I really did save the best for last. The Oven has an app that allows you to pre-heat the oven and cook your food from the app?!?!? My mind has been blown and my life has been changed. Now, I can start cooking from literally anywhere. The app also allows you to change the temperature of your oven, cancel cooking, and set a cooking timer. The coolest part though is that you can see a live feed of your oven so your food doesn’t burn. This is a game-changer, folks!!! It also gives you your cooking history, a full library of recipes, and cooking tips (i.e. cook time, pan recommendation, and rack placement). June is a serious intellectual.
As for any review, here are the cons. They’re freakin’ sold out. Duh! Why wouldn’t it be?! Didn’t I just tell you how brilliant this thing is?! Luckily, you can sign up for the waitlist on the website to be notified by email when the ovens become available the following week. Honestly, though, it’s hard to find a real deal breaking con to this Oven. The only thing I can think of is that it can’t air fry and bake at the same time, so you’ll still need to use two appliances, the interior of the oven is a bit restrictive. You won’t be able to cook a 12-pound turkey. For Hunter and I, that’s okay. It’s just us two. Also, the cooking recommendations aren’t always the best advice but like any oven, you gotta find the sweet spots.
Final verdict: I like the June Oven. It’s solid. Having 12 appliances in one is a real upgrade for me in terms of counter space and storage. I’m an everyday cook, all I want is yummy, cooked, and fast. I leave the grand and fancy to the professionals and the holidays. With the help of the app and of course that winning pre-heat speed I can literally do two things at once: Work on LetsGetLexi and cook for Hunter. Everybody wins!
I know the name is June but it kind of reminds me of Rosey.
Sugar Baked Prosciutto Salad
I got this recipe from my friend Ecky. She is an incredible chef! She likes to prepare the prosciutto for a charcuterie board. I decided to add it to a salad because I love a crunch in my salad.
2 cups arugula salad
Prosciutto Slices
Olive Oil
Cayenne (optional)
Pine nuts
Goat Cheese
Salt and Pepper
Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Place a wire rack on a sheet pan and then cover the wire rack with parchment paper. Then put your desired amount of prosciutto on the parchment paper. Brush the prosciutto with olive oil, then sprinkle it with sugar (and cayenne for a kick), and put them in the oven on the middle rack for about 10-15 minutes depending on your oven. While the prosciutto is cooking, take your two cups of arugula and place it into a bowl. Lightly drizzle the arugula with some olive oil so the leaves are all lightly coated. Then sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper onto the leaves and mix. Set aside. Next, take a handful of pine nuts and lightly toast them on the stove. Be very careful because pine nuts burn easily. When they’re lightly toasted (and you’ll start to see them get golden) just pour them on top of your arugula. When the prosciutto is finished, let them cool to allow the flavor to come through. When they’ve fully cooled, you can either break the prosciutto to pieces or leave them whole for the top of the salad. Once it’s on, add goat cheese to taste. Enjoy!
With the June Oven’s quick pre-heat this meal was ready to eat in under 25 minutes. Mic Drop.
This is a sponsored post by June Oven.