3 Easy But Impactful Ways I Show Hunter I Appreciate Him
photo by: Ashley Grems
It’s #NationalSpousesDay…
and whether or not you have a spouse it’s good to let the people in your life know that you appreciate them. Appreciation helps a person feel valued and loved. It’s a way to show them that you’re thankful for them and all the the things they do (big or little) for you.
So here are some small but impactful ways I show Hunter that I appreciate him:
I say “Thank You”.
Doesn’t matter the size of the gesture, these two words go a long way. Whether he takes the trash out, grabs my sweater for me, or rubs my back for 45 minutes because of period cramps, I always say thank you and let him know that I appreciate the effort he puts in.
Career, hobbies, and passions I try to support what excites him. When I know he’s deep Into what he loves doing, I try not to bother him and make sure he gets time to work on what he wants. I want him to be happy, fulfilled, and know that I respect him and what he cares about.
In any relationship this is always a good idea. To really listen and pay attention to what they’re talking about. Ask questions and engage in what they’re saying. This is probably one of the nicest and easiest ways to really tell a person you love them. Just by having a conversation. So easy!
Everyone deserves to feel loved and appreciated, regardless of their relationship status. Take the extra step to show someone in your life that you appreciate them because I promise you it goes a long way. Thank you for reading this and always supporting LetsGetLexi. It makes me feel really f*ucking good!
Let me know in the comments below how you show your loved ones that you appreciate them. Until next time, stay sweet! Byeeeeeeee!