My Workout Routine + How I Stay Motivated

Just move…

is my attitude towards working out. Post-covid, I’m all about keeping it simple. The easiest way for me to get going is to find an activity I enjoy doing and that my body is craving. If I enjoy what I’m doing, I’ll continue doing it. My only goal is to be consistent. That’s it. That’s how I stay motivated, I just need to find what excites me enough to want to move that day.

My actual workouts

Okay, so now I’ve convinced myself it’s time to move. Great- now what?! I always ask myself “What do I feel like doing today? What will excite me enough to want to move?” Usually it’s a trip to a coffee shop. So, I try to walk or ride my bike. If I’m feeling it, I’ll walk/bike a little faster or walk in intervals. When I’m REALLY feeling it, I’ll go to a farther coffee shop. Knowing there’s a coffee at the end of it really motivates me, you just have to figure out what will get you going. Walking is probably the easiest form of exercise for me, but I usually need an end destination. Whether it’s a pet shop for Foxy, a store I’ve been wanting to check out, a park, or even a hike it motivates me to move! I’ve also picked up skateboarding, rollerblading, surfing, and at one point I even tried water aerobics (that lasted about two weeks during the pandemic). You just have to keep trying till you find what you like. It’s okay if it changes day after day, that’s what’s so fun. I’m always trying new things and as long as I’m moving, my body and I are pretty happy.

I also like to do traditional workouts. I enjoy weight lifting, pilates, TRX bands, and occasionally yoga, too. Switching up my workout betters my chance of not getting bored and I actually enjoy the workout more. If I enjoy it, my body will enjoy it, I’ll keep doing it, and that makes me happy and healthy, which is always my goal.

I would love to hear what excites you about moving and/or if this post helped you at all! I can answer any further questions below. Remember, just move.

Until next time…


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