Lexi’s Workout Essentials


Life is too short…

to be miserable during your workout. If you’re not feeling good and having fun during your workout, then you’re doing it all wrong. You should be celebrating that your body can move. It might seem simple, but it’s something (even myself) take for granted. As I’ve gotten older, sweating and moving feels really good not only physically but mentally as well. So here are a few things that help keep me motivated and keep my workouts fun!


It doesn’t have to be an apple watch or anything fancy. You just need some way to track your progress. Even on walks to our coffee shop, Hunter and I always try and beat our time from the previous day. It’s so small but it’s fun because we’re both competitive. It’s also so gratifying to look back and see your progress and hard work actually documented.

Look good, feel good…

I have been wearing the same runners for literally two years. They gave me zero support. By the end of the day my whole body was aching just because my shoes were worn out. I hadn’t even noticed I went that long with the same shoe. When I finally bought myself a new pair of shoes, what a difference it made! I was less tired, my body ached less, and I’m not gonna lie, I felt pretty cool seeing myself in my new shoes in reflections of things. Also, I got a pair without laces and that my friend is a game changer! So freeing! Needless to say, I am loving my new footwear.

Music to my ears…

For me, music is everything in a workout. My workout can feel miserable if the song just isn’t right. I am so confident in the power of music that it can literally make or break your entire workout. It doesn’t matter what you listen to as long as it feels good to you and keeps you going throughout the whole workout. I carefully curated this playlist for my workout because playing music roulette on spotify just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I would literally spend five minutes hitting skip looking for a new song. If you like this one, I’ve got plenty more too!

No weights, no problem…

You don’t need traditional weights to get a good workout. I’m a huge fan of bands because they’re easy to travel with and they’re really fun to work with. I like that they come with different strengths as well because I find it nearly impossible to workout hard every day. Some days I just need something light. Plus, there are so many workouts on youtube with these. These are very versatile!

Sweat it out…

Whether you’re working out at the gym, at home, or outside, having a towel to wipe yourself or a piece of equipment down is really handy (especially during covid time). Again, you don’t need anything fancy just something that is dedicated to your workouts. I used to just use my shirts but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve treated myself to this fancy lululemon one. Sometimes you just got to treat yo’ self!


is so important before, during, and after your workouts. It helps with so much! Water can actually help prevent you from getting sore the next day, re-energize you, and keep your brain sharp since 70% of your brain is made up of water. If you’re like me and love your water ice cold, then getting an insulated bottle is the way to go.

If you want more workout tips, let me know! Maybe I could get my trainer to share one of his fun at home workout programs for you. Remember, if it’s not fun then keep finding something that is or make a better playlist. Ha!

Until next time, Byeeeeeeeeeee!